A Guide to Grow your Orchid on a Tree


Thinking about bringing your orchids outdoors this Summer?

Before we get started, it’s important to remember that many of the orchid care instructions we recommend for orchids indoors also apply to outdoors. When it comes to watering outside, you’ll want to keep your orchid out of direct rain because the orchid medium absorbs water. Be mindful to keep your orchid in bright, indirect light where it will also get some shade.

If you want to transform your garden with an eye-catching orchid garden, one popular way to do so is to tie your orchids to a tree.

Summer is the best time to create your orchid garden, because the plants are better able to establish themselves on the trees. Remember, you should only take on this project in moderate climates, because winters below 60F can kill the plant.

You’ll need:

  • Your orchid

  • A bit of burlap or moss

  • Your tying tool of choice (twine, rope, mesh, nylon)

Then you can:

  • Find a tree with the right indirect light in your yard.

  • Grab a bit of burlap or moss as shielding against the rough bark.

  • Lightly pull the plant out of the pot and shake off excess media.

  • Without tearing at the roots, spread them around the trunk, or just leave them in bundles so that they can explore for themselves.

  • Finally, place the roots against the tree (with the burlap or moss in between) and tie the plant to the tree. The tying can be done with basically anything; twine, rope, mesh, etc.

When tying, watch that the plant and roots are supported but not crushed, so that they can continue to grow. Make sure that root tips don’t get broken because they are the ones that will grow around and onto the tree.

When your orchid is tied correctly, the plant will continue to survive and grow. Don’t worry if the leaves get yellow as your orchid adjusts to its new environment.  When your orchids flower - about once a year - they will be all the more beautiful!

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